Isn’t freedom of speech wonderful? The right to assemble peacefully, express your views, share common ideas and promote positive feelings of societal harmony?


We’ve learned over time that America is accepting in that the voice of dissent is welcome, even encouraged for shared discussions. Exchanges of bettering society, expressing our views on opposing ideas and actions and bringing to light the alternative ways of living. Shared debate over the positives and negatives of any subject from military intervention to local school board appointments.

In war time, there are those who want American forces to stay out of foreign affairs and protect us here. And in years past, there were those who marched in peaceful expression of social values with “love beads and flowers” the accouterments of the day.

But let’s face facts. It’s no longer just the expression of thought, but the obliteration of your opponent; the annihilation of opposing view which is most important and, part of all that is the growing need to make your statement with violence and destruction.

Not content to just sing in peaceful unison, carrying a sign and waving an American flag, now it’s incumbent on the participants (or social warriors if you will) to destroy. The American symbol of freedom has become fuel for ferocity, encouraging the ruin of public and private property, instigation of physical violence against those who oppose, to light fires, loot, use private and police vehicles as a platform of your appearance, and yes…make the biggest and brightest statement possible to…… well, not just to express but to “activate.”

Isn’t it wonderful that whenever a “spontaneous” group expression breaks out, there must be a print shop nearby to print up all those nice-looking signs? Or, as in the announcement of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, you bring your generic graphic poster and then fill in the last minute name of the target of your protest as it’s announced – how efficient can we get.

Deaths are not only the “motive du jour” but the result of misguided participants who feel guns are appropriate trappings for the exciting get-together. Justin Carr was the victim at the Charlotte, NC when crowds felt it necessary to act without thinking, march and destroy without consideration of the true consequences of their irresponsibility.

Riots against candidate Trump in Chicago were not voices of disagreement, but planned, paid for uprisings of insurrection. Protests of rebellion compensated for by those with the money to support those with the time to show up and cause of unrest.

The art of rioting and protesting isn’t just making a statement, exercising freedom of disagreement anymore, it’s a sponsored army of insurgents paid for by people with goals far outreaching the purpose at hand. The Soros’ of the world delight in contributing millions to make their socialistic, fascist, anti-America point in hopes of provocative.

It’s no longer practicable to make a statement of dissension, but fashionable to turn an opinion into an opportunity for insurgency, chaos and anarchy.

Anarchy  –
  1. A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
  2. Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

As the colors of pride and acceptance light the background, the fire of destruction illuminates the Berkeley battleground of discord.  In the recent campus disturbance, students, teachers and outsiders were allowed to run rampant leaving the campus’ guest speaker (someone with opposing, non-violent verbal views of their own) to fend for himself without benefit of police authority to dispel the destruction. Fires, rocks thrown through windows, barriers destroyed and… only one arrest to show some minor presence of law.

From behind a mask, from the roof of a car, from the safety of an anonymous bank account, all are meant to make society a playground for goons, thugs and disruption. If you don’t see the anarchy growing, and worse yet being allowed in today’s America…. You’re not watching the news.


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