Does Lying Matter?

Does Lying Matter?

Let’s face it. We all lie. But telling your wife she doesn’t look fat in a dress or expressing your overwhelming love of that ugly new Hawaiian shirt your husband bought doesn’t exactly rock the world’s economies and dismantle political structures. When it does matter...
Does Lying Matter?

This is a warning – America in decay

At first my thought was that America is in decline. Which is true however, we’re increasingly experiencing a decay that is eating away the very foundation of our country, the very basis of our democracy, the very core of our beliefs and structure. Welcome to...
Does Lying Matter?

10 undeniable truths

This will be the shortest article I’ve ever written, because I feel it’s important to spend more time thinking about it… than reading it. 1- You have a president and administration who deceives and lies to you. 2- You have a president and...