Ron Boat sees a spade as a spade

Ron Boat sees a spade as a spade

Truth – it’s such a fleeting thing when people choose to ignore, deny or twist it. And yet… truth, in its “truest” form, is fact.  It’s been defined as: The quality or state of being true. That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. A fact or belief that...
Ron Boat sees a spade as a spade

Ron Boat questions: Hating America?

Sorry, Obama ( B. Hussein) was NOT a nice guy. Trump has taken over the news scene with his businesslike steamroller of leadership. He’s making good on his promises, he’s achieving things, he’s appointing quality, experienced, successful people. After a few days in...
Ron Boat sees a spade as a spade

Ron Boat considers: The Trump Effect

Trump’s triumphant win has already, and will continue to change America. First, I must express my honor and pleasure at joining the contributing team here at RNR. A group of patriotic, insightful writers who add to our daily lives with realities not rhetoric,...
Ron Boat sees a spade as a spade

Ron Boat asks…What’s In a Name?

If we regress to the 1590s, we’re introduced to an inquiry by ‘ol Bill Shakespeare. Act 2, scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet. In the thought of calling things by different names and the meaning thereof, would “a rose by any other name smell as sweet?” In life, we’re all...