As we celebrate a new year, America experiences an optimistic reboot for potential growth, productivity and prosperity; A restart to things hoped for and expectations of personal happiness and safety; A resurgence of religious awareness and acceptance.
Yet beware, this is not a true reset. For lurking in the recesses of four years of concealed and shadowy incompetent governance lies the potential for destructive forces yet to be realized. Terrorist acts fulfilled with abhorrence and bespeaks contempt for our American way of life. The ramifications of previous arrangements and engagements of elected and unelected governing positions spilling out onto the forefront of our lives in vivid displays of blood and distractions. And why?
Penned in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887, Lord Acton wrote;
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”
Those who rise to positions of power are presented opportunities for meaningful good or societal abuses and self-enrichment. Aspirations of money and influence drive people to irrational decisions resulting in outcomes not beneficial for others and eventually themselves.
The Presidency of the United States is one of the most powerful perceptions of governance in the world, and through it are exposures to the best and worst of abuses balanced with personal amelioration.
Those associated with leadership also stand to enrich themselves through perceived influence with access and alliances. Selling this access can be a lucrative venture benefiting some at the expense of others as demonstrated by the controversies surrounding President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.
Hunter’s worldwide business dealings have been a topic of intense public scrutiny and political debate. Known, and unknown, conflicts of interest offering monetary advancement include:
Burisma Holdings (Ukraine):
• Served on the board of Burisma Holdings, a major Ukrainian natural gas company, from 2014 to 2019. A position reportedly earning up to $50,000 per month, despite very limited experience in the energy sector.
• This appointment occurred while Joe Biden, as U.S. Vice President, was leading the Obama administration’s policy on Ukraine.
Chinese Business Ventures:
• Hunter was involved in business dealings in China through entities like BHR Partners.
o He joined the firm’s board, holding a 10% equity stake through his company, Skaneateles LLC.
o BHR Partners reportedly facilitated deals involving Chinese state-owned companies and investments in various sectors.
• Another company, CEFC China Energy, linked to Hunter, sought to establish partnerships and investments in the U.S.
o Emails and communications reportedly revealed discussions about equity allocations and payments, some of which included mentions of Joe Biden, the “Big Guy,” (though his direct involvement has not yet been substantiated).
Other International Ventures:
• Romania: Hunter reportedly worked as a consultant for Gabriel Popoviciu, a Romanian real estate tycoon accused of corruption, helping with lobbying efforts to reduce scrutiny on Popoviciu.
• Kazakhstan: Reports suggest Hunter had business connections involving Kazakh businessmen, exploring potential ventures in mining and energy sectors.
• Russia: There are yet unknown connections to, and reasons behind an oligarch’s widow, Yelena Baturina, transferring $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, a firm linked to Hunter Biden.
These enrichments garnered not from education, experience or merit, but through the blood of a subliminal family cohesion working toward shared monetary objectives. The security and sanctity of America compromised in exchange for political favors.
We’re at a time when Americans face increasing government intrusions from the IRS and DOJ, economic uncertainty, social controls, and social media monitoring and censorship. The perception of leaders enriching themselves through questionable dealings undermines public trust.
The powerfully positioned receive gifts of money, cars, jewelry, unwarranted salaries, and shares of the spoils, leaving many struggling to secure their own lives and well-being. Any perception of leaders enriching themselves through collusion with foreign entities stands in stark contrast to the values America represents.
Has America’s sensitive information been profitably disseminated throughout the world in exchange for lucrative lux? Will national security ultimately pay the price for loosely enforced administrative restraints?
So many in this recent administration lacked competency, replaced with DEI directives of gender, race, sexual proclivities and meaningless political loyalties, playing solely to the audience of self-serving progressive agendas. Beyond visible ineptitudes, what hidden crimes and frauds were practiced and deliberately concealed, betraying civic confidence?
In the light of unknown illicitly executed deceits, what presidential pardons or clemencies await a final reveal? Will Biden bestow such protection on other family members? Will Biden’s final withdrawal from the White House be shrouded in the clouded glare of personal absolution?
Corruptions were denied. Deceptions obscured, with weaknesses and failures hidden. But after January 20th books will be written, stories told, and secrets revealed, and the true devastation of America will be laid bare through the revelation of Biden’s associated actions and inactions.
Nearly half a century of disservice to America, obtained or perpetrated through publicly acknowledged acts of plagiarism and questionable occurrences; lying, miscalculated job performance, and potentially evident exploitations. Patriotic ineptness personified bearing no fruits of any positive advancement for the greatest country on earth.
It is relevant to remember that in contrast, President Trump’s first term was served without remuneration, with Forbes reporting his personal wealth dropping by $1 billion – a stark contrast to others who grew wealthier while holding public office. He has promised to do so again, focusing on America’s needs and not his own.
While “rich” and “poor” are relative terms, the concepts of “honesty” and “loyalty” are not; rather, being fundamental in nature. There’s an implied and inherent responsibility in holding the public trust and its incumbency on leadership is paramount to the sustainability of our existence.
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