The presidency’s revolving door swings with relentless precision every January 20th. An “out with the old and in with the new” attempt at moving our country forward. Past ideas being reviewed, replaced with new directions and proposals expectantly resolving old problems and failures.
It’s incumbent on any change of leadership to leave his charge better than when he arrived and making poor decisions in his final months would be deemed irresponsible, unprofessional, careless, even unpatriotic.
Yet Biden has seen the numbers on the government’s credit card not as a limit, but as a goal. One to be swiftly achieved through unscrupulous expenditures, even exceeded, as his time for destructive change draws closer to a long overdue conclusion.
His tenure as Chief Executive has been replete with list after extensive list of wasteful, nonachievements, unsuccessful and unwise investments in America.
Billions allocated and spent for EV charging stations, part of the administration’s “Green New Steal,” promoting profits and prosperity for well-wishing climate donors. Billions returning only 8 charging stations of the 500,000 promised.
At those few added charging stations, the self-aggrandizing sound of one hand clapping is underwhelming as Washington applauds their constant failures; major problems with the left hand unaware of the right hand’s inefficient, ineffective meandering through a maze of red tape and incompetence.
Federal Highway Administration head, Shailen Bhatt, tells us that adding EV charging stations “couldn’t even be deployed at rest stops under existing federal highway rules” – a part of some obscure paper shuffler’s career-enhancing dream project no doubt.
Billions distributed to provide 100% internet access to Americans but, the number of new subscribers in this program? Zip, zero, none. They say it takes time but with seemingly unlimited funds and a nation of job seekers, combining those two attributes should lead to accelerated progress and accomplishment.
Did you enjoy that $12 million Las Vegas pickleball court? Did you get a pay raise when your company secured part of the recent $7.1 billion Biden rushed out for weapons from the Pentagon’s stockpiles, spending those funds obligated before Trump is sworn in. And Ukraine’s failing war for freedom? Be it worthwhile or not to America, that money had to be spent. Better hurry Joe, the clock’s ticking.
There’s another $2.2 billion available for weapons systems on long-term contracts with recent smaller packages of around $200 to $300 million each. It’s only money – we can print or borrow more.
President Biden signed off on $5 billion Infrastructure projects as he heads for the revolving exit to his future life beyond the Oval. Some taxes destined to enter the sucking vacuum of “rail safety” which hasn’t improved in decades despite our ongoing assistance. All should know, taxpayer’s constant support hasn’t mitigated 30 rail incidents per day in the U.S.. Maybe money spent on a real Sec. of Transportation would yield less DEI and more safety and efficiency in the rail and airline industries.
One might ask, how long can we survive constant wage increases – stopping when everyone is making $30, $40, $50/hour? Biden’s EO for wages just increased federal wages to $17.75 on January 1st as companies outbid each other for employees seeking even higher wages filling cushy work-at-home positions.
In Biden’s waning weeks of wandering, Friday saw his broadest and strictest package of sanctions imposed on Russian oil production and exports yet. He consistently avoided and loosened sanctions on Venezuela, Iran, and Russia, and yet, in a last-minute scurry to undermine any Trump victory on gas prices, chose to “get tough” and drive up oil prices for Americans.
Catering to leftist loyalists, he disrupted financial lives by passing legislation preventing offshore drilling of oil and natural gas across 625 million acres of oceans – again causing America to pay more, becoming a petroleum slave to countries around the world – a policy to be undone by President Trump but inefficiently wasting time and resources of government officials and companies dealing with a constantly moving goal line of compliance.
In the midst of his travels and naps, Biden diverted more than $4.5 billion to “critical climate” infrastructure and resilience programs through 2026. Some going to FEMA, which we support helping people BUT… remembering that FEMA ran out of money for hurricane victims because of over a billion dollars squandered on immigration needs for illegals.
As part of a last-minute sabotage of Trump’s agenda to revive our country, Biden’s administration extended work-from-home policies, making oversight of critical government functions nearly impossible.
Thanks to a clear-thinking federal judge, the “fire sale” of Trump’s border wall materials was thwarted, otherwise we’d be losing money AND spending billions more to replace much-needed supplies to safeguard our country.
To slide in under the inaugural wire, the Education Department has been scurrying to finalize costly new federal rules canceling student loans for people who face financial hardship — one of Biden’s only student loan plans that hasn’t yet been halted by federal courts. Biden’s ineptness experts have evoked “financial hardship” on many outside the halls of academia. Are they receiving mortgage refunds?
Outside political agendas, there’re attempts at legislative and monetary sabotage, leaving behind a legacy of irresponsibility; overreaches of partisanship and hatred that transcend normal transitions, building not bridges of advancement, but barriers of dissent and obtrusiveness.
After the requisite ceremonial regalia and celebratory jubilation has ended, Jan 21st marks the beginning of a new mandate; new expectations. Obstacles left behind by Biden’s subterfuge will linger – monuments to incompetence and malice, undermining our greatness, leading to further moral decline, degrading our ability for societal advancements – all delaying our embrace of future opportunities and progress.


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