I’ve never been an overly tolerant person. Especially when it comes to stupidity – And ESPECIALLY when it comes to people who lie to me or are so stupid that their own perception of facts stand as testament to irrational, misleading, blatantly wrong information and they believe they’re fooling me

People like Schumer, Waters, Sherman, Franken, Piglosi. Shelia Jackson Lee, and yes, B. Hussein and others (including the media) are so consumed with hate and deliberate blindness that their rhetoric rings hollow of any smidgen of truth and reason.

Their actions stand in the way of progress toward what’s important to America and its citizenry… things like national safety, economic growth, better education bringing fuller opportunities for all, a fairer less complicated ax system and affordable healthcare needed by so many.

The media has completely sold out in order to convey the untruthful messages of wrong doing, incompetence and yes, even treason. They make up misdirections and falsehoods in order to advance an agenda of anti-Americanism, socialism, and the power hungry left’s push for more control and less freedom.

The interesting thing is that they miss the point. They amuse their own staffs, coworkers, family and friends with spoutings of silliness that wouldn’t pass muster at liars anonymous. THEY ARE GENERALLY TALKING TO THEMSELVES as even the left has started to see the futility of their efforts. They’re seeing that real facts stand in the way of wishful thinking and worse yet, only the most stupid of society will respond to their requests for opposition. And the thought that the most absurdly blind lemmings following this orchestration are directing the pulse of the country’s thinking makes one pause and puke.

When will real people stand up? When will they take a minute and call and write and make noise like the resistance does? Yes, I like others have written congress people only to months later get back an “email unread” or blanket irrelevant thank you response but with persistence we need to make an effort. MAKE NOISE and maybe, hopefully make a difference.

The media responds to one thing… MONEY. If they can ultimately get the message that we aren’t listening any more, we aren’t watching, we’re not buying from and supporting their sponsors….then maybe they’ll get the message that truthful, fair and balanced reason is a better way to go than deliberate, wrongful indoctrination.
With Trump’s election, we stemmed the tide of societal destruction but the effort to bring down America hasn’t ended. In some cases it’s increased. My blood boils to watch the stupidity standing proudly behind podiums screaming and yelling their fairy-tales and fantasies of wrongdoing and malfeasance in order to assume more power, position and a prolonged existence in the public square.

We need to keep up the fight, increase the push back to protect and defend. If not…. then all that our military has fought and died for over the decades, all that we’ve invested in energy, money and time to make this country the best has been wasted.

All the naysayers of reason need to know that the caring, intelligent, reasonable and patriotic people in the homeland outnumber the disciples of destruction they so boldly attempt to lead into a civil war of discourse, animosity and resentment.