They’re wrenching crying babies from their mother’s arms said Rep. Steny Hoyer this week.  Pictures are splashed into every corner of the news spectrum showing young children placed in cages sleeping on cold, concrete floors, restrained by imposing fences.

Children in Cages?

After seeing old photos and doctored videos, even the Pope found it requisite to weight in. “It’s not easy, but populism is not the solution,” Pope Francis said on Sunday night, adding populists were “creating psychosis” on the issue of immigration. This from a radical, leftist, South American who never saw a conservative, law supporting agenda he didn’t hate

Children in holding facility

By US Government – U.S. Customs and Border Control, Public Domain, ttps://commons. wiki/File:Ursula_ (detention_center)_1.png

But of course, unless the light of truth is brought out of the closet, the facts remain unrevealed that these photos were taken in the era of 2014 during the Obama reign, and the terror of screaming separated kids was on his watch – and inflicted under the laws of a Democratic congress. Lest we forget Elian Gonzalez and his gun wielding federal abductors, the concept of child separation was not conceived under president Trump.

This is not a singlized battle for the rights of children. It’s a total war for the right to open borders, free access to America’s wealth and benefits, by masses, not immigrating, but invading our sovereign nation and… pushed to become a constituency of grateful manipulated voters for generations to come. They are pawns in a long perpetrated scheme of contrived lies and subverting control, exorcised from the truth of a larger national problem.

There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.
~   Nelson Mandela

But let’s remember, these are NOT our children. They may not even be the children of the adults who accompany them through our southern fences and fields, making their way through the hot, parched deserts of the Southwest. They are the youthful product of law breakers. Their actual parents in many cases are living in their native country, now free from the parental responsibilities of child-rearing because… it’s America’s problem now, so they think – and want. How much does the American taxpayer owe to the world?

Not to be harsh but, let’s reflect on a basic tenet of life. Parents are to love, nurture and care for their children. I’m not sure, but I don’t think you’re accomplishing this societal mandate by sending your kids thousands of miles away, either by themselves, or with people you don’t know yet paid in order to accomplish some unknown, potentially selfish goal; maybe hoping they’ll compassionately get “in”, and then send for you later through some illogical “chain migration” dictate?

The fact is that legitimate parents who present themselves at official border crossings with claims of asylum should NOT  be separated from their children. Only those who BREAK OUR LAWS by stealing into our country through the dead of night or undercover of  hidden truck beds are legally held and separated through the due process of law. Just like any American citizen sent to confinement and their offspring sequestered at home, with family or as a ward of the state. By law, minors cannot be confined in criminal custody so… reasonable accommodations are provided.

The photo above is recent, though similar to those circulated from years past. The difference is that the photo is of a temporary, processing holding area – not permanent housing. The Trump administration has taken steps to ensure that kids are safe and well fed with complete breakfasts of eggs, potatoes, grains and juice. Estimates are that 10,000+ children are being held – at a cost of $3,000 a month. Simply, that’s $30,000,000 A MONTH shelled out by uninvolved taxpayers working to support a problem they didn’t create.

This is a long and ongoing story that won’t be solved here, in congress or the courts for some time. And even though President Trump has tried to appease the left, right and everyone in between, his compassionate actions will be viewed as temporary, illogical, contrived, inadequate or even illegal.

Our legal system, like our southern fences, appears to exist as stepping stones to personal benefit and attainment; to be used and crushed as needed, forsaking what’s established and best for our society. Remember, liberals and their liberal media were born to lie. It’s your job to sift through the chaff to find the kernels of truth.

~  RB